Bio-Health Videos
Quantum Bio-Health Videos
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![Quantum Energy Technology 2021](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Quantum-Energy-Technology-2021.jpg)
Quantum Energy Technology 2021
Energy Medicine
Power of Your Thoughts
Your thoughts direct energy making you are part of the creation in which we live. Learn how powerful you are in creating your reality. You send messages into the web of energy that connects us all through the matrix. Reality is crazier than you can imagine. Some topics are: Industrialization, dead foods & Toxins. Eat alive to be alive. Meditation. Life Lesson. Ascension. Einstein. Frequency. Killing Yourself Slowly. Control over your thoughts & emotions. Emotional Brain. as so much more... Contact Dr. Robin at www.quantumbiohealth.com if you are interested in the Water App, Biofeedback sessions, or for the courses. My direct email is dr.robin@quantumbiohealth.com for booking a Quantum Session.
![Consciousness Does Matter](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Pg-1-consciousness-Does-Matter.png)
Consciousness Does Matter
You have The Power To Change The World. A statement that stuck with me from my Quantum Integrative Medicine Ph.D. program = "Consciousness Does Matter." The Energy Realm of Quantum Physics Teaches us that we move energy through our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions. Discover what conclusions this science has to share about who you really are.
![You're Living in Plato's Cave - Wake Up!](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Pg-14-My-Brain-Keeps-Rushing-Me-but-my-Intuition.png)
You're Living in Plato's Cave - Wake Up!
Video about energy, frequencies, consciousness, flow, love, compassion and happiness. A look at perspectives, reactions, responses and contemplation. Alpha and Beta beta brain waves, feelings & emotions and how we are going through an evolution. Plato's cave and movies depict deception about reality. Plus so much more - Join me.
![Drug Administration Rights Thumbnail](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Drug-Administration-Rights-Thumbnail.png)
Drug Administration "Rights"
Information Everyone Should Know!! This video is valuable to anyone who takes medications or has to give them to others. The medical profession has rules on giving medications known as the 5-Rights of Medication Administration. Four additional 'rights' have been added along with information on informed consent, the Nuremberg code, medication errors and more. Discover the answer to the question, "Can you be forced to take a medication? and what the law tells us.
![Ho'oponopono Video](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Hooponopono-Video-Thumbnail.png)
Hawaiian Healing Forgiveness Prayer - “I Love You” “I’m Sorry” “Please Forgive Me” “Thank You” Step 1: “I LOVE YOU” (Love) –- Love is the Answer to Everything! And it starts with self-love. Step 2: “I’M SORRY” (Repentance)- you're RESPONSIBLE for everything in your Life! It’s time to forgive yourself and make better choices. Step 3: “PLEASE FORGIVE ME” (Ask for Forgiveness) –- The power of Forgiveness = HEALING. Step 4: “THANK YOU” (Gratitude) –- Be Thankful for what you have! Gratitude brings ABUNDANCE to your Life.
How To Cut A Pineapple
Learn how to easily and safely cut a pineapple without the little black bits.
![Quinoa - What it is, Health Benefits & How to Make](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Quinoa-What-it-is-Health-Benefits-How-to-Make-YouTube-Thumbnail.png)
Health Benefits of Quinoa and How To Make It
This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to make nutritious gluten-free Quinoa. Discover the health benefits of this whole grain and how to remove its saponins. This is one of nature's medicines. You will learn how to pronounce Quinoa, the carbohydrate and protein content, the recipe to cook it plus more.
![Higher Order of Thinking Course](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Higher-Order-of-Thinking-Course-1.jpg)
Higher-Order Thinking Course - "Did you know YOU have three (3) Brains?
Trailer for New Course "HOT" - Personal development and empowerment. Find out why you say and do the things you do from a Doctor of Integrative Medicine certified in distance education. This is the next step in your evolution, start today. INSERT LINK HERE
![Secret of Secrets - 5D Ascension Light Codes](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Secret-of-Secrets-5D-Ascension-Light-Codes.jpg)
Secret of Secrets – 5D Ascension Light Codes - Ancient Emerald Tablets (Guided Meditation).
This meditation is based on my studies of the Emerald Tablets and the newly released Secret of Secrets tablet that shares the light codes and words that lead your soul out of the life/death cycle and into freedom. They were written by Hermes over 16,000 years ago. The Meditation teaches and leads you on an amazing journey into the underworld of the Gods who hold the love and light in Amenti, the Halls below sunken Atlantis. These words and codes will help in your ascension process. I really wanted to put this together for myself but have now decided to share it on YouTube. The Emerald tablets are ancient artefacts that reveal a profound spiritual technology that has survived to this day despite centuries of effort to suppress it. Thoth is an Atlantan priest-king, a master of mysteries. Thoth who came to Earth in the cycle three times and in his last incarnation he left humanity instructions as we near the equinox and great flash from the central sun that raises consciousness into the 5th dimension as promised in the scriptures. I hope you will enjoy it, with much love and light. Dr. Robin J Lambrecht
Quantum Reality Now - Ascension - 5D - The Great Awakening
Ascension - 5D - The Great Awakening
Your Nose Knows - What's Your Dominant Brain Hemisphere
Determine your dominant brain hemisphere. Learn the technique used by Yogi’s Thousands of years ago.
![What is an Integrative Medicine Doctor](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/What-is-an-Integrative-Medicine-Doctor.jpg)
What is an Integrative Medicine Doctor?
- Definitions of Integrative Medicine
- Learn the Difference between Alternative,
Complementary and Integrative Medicine.
- The Defining Principles of Integrative Medicine
- Treatments in Integrative Medicine
- What the Doctors Role is in Healing
This video was produced by an Integrative Medicine Doctor.
![The True Nature of Miracles](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/The-True-Nature-of-Miracles.jpg)
The True Nature of Miracles
A chapter from the Bestselling book 'Miracles' written and narrated by Robin J Lambrecht, Ph.D. Doctor of Natural and Integrative Medicine.
![Macaws - Jaco Costa Rica](https://quantumbiohealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Macaws-Jaco-Costa-Rica.jpg)
Macaws - Jaco, Costa Rica
Macaws in Almond Tree